Cloud Hosting Infrastructure

Our cloud hosting infrastructure is designed for optimal performance and reliability in China.

Reliable Foundation

Implemented with the industry leaders AWS and Google Cloud, our cloud infrastructure is designed not only for performance, but with redundancy and failover options around the world.

Elastic Scale

Our cloud product is built to quickly respond to increased customer data and user load. This provides consistent and predictable performance that scales with your business and customers' needs.

Distributed Delivery & Compute

Content acceleration occurs on one or more CDNs and as edge computing technologies become more available, we intend to shift more of our core technologies to the edge. 

Preguntas más frecuentes

Where does Chinafy store data?

Chinafy maintains data centers and hosts data in the US. Our standard Chinafy service hosts content with multiple Content Delivery Network (“CDN”) providers, in close proximity to, but not in mainland China. For those clients with ICP Licenses, we work with them to host onshore, where possible. 

Is Chinafy compliance with EU Privacy requirements?

We know privacy is important to our customers, and our policy is to comply with laws related to use of personal data and to ensure we meet the applicable standards as set out in such laws. As a global service provider, we leverage common operational practices across multiple countries. 

For more information, please see our GDPR page.

Can I choose the location of where my data resides? 

Chinafy’s primary servers reside in the US with AWS in N. Virginia. We are increasingly building redundancy with Google Cloud hosting data in their Singapore location. Separate to this, we use multiple CDN providers and may use one or more of these providers, depending on your requirements. 

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